We work with private landlords to manage properties on their behalf. Our aim is to be able to offer more choice and opportunities for tenants who want a great home in Greater Manchester.
We know there are letting agencies and offers everywhere you look but our competitive rates will provide you an income that you never have to worry about, with your property in the hands of partners who have a combined property management trading history of over 100 years.
We offer fully flexible services that makes life as easy as possible for you, our services include our most popular leasehold offer, management agreements and tailored options to suit you and your properties.
Our lease offer is the most popular because we manage the property and tenants and pay you a guaranteed rent with no void loss if your property is ever unoccupied. If one of our great tenants moves out, you’ll never notice the difference.
We’re creating an agency that works for everyone, Let Us help you be part of positive change. Let Us help you be a landlord that everyone admires.